Do THIS instead of setting New Year Resolutions!

I absolutely love this no man's land week between Christmas and the new year. It is time that appears purposeless. It might sound oxymoronic to declare my love for purposeless time, when you think of what The Actualisation Academy is all about, but hear me out. 

There is little we feel pressured to accomplish this week. And that affords us mental space to brainstorm. We can daydream and imagine a year ahead that will deliver us our inner most desires. We can fanaticise what we might achieve in the coming months. There is time to be creative and literally create a vision of what we want the next year to look like.

In any another week of the year all of this is still possible. However we are more inclined to get distracted by work, pressures, thoughts of ‘should’ and so on. This week was designed for us to shift into second gear, and cruise. 

As you roll through these in between days, I invite you to consider what it is you want from 2024. I have written out some prompts below that you can digest in one of two ways. 

  1. You make your favourite drink, find a comfortable seat and read each question letting the answer permeate your mind and body through thought.

  2. You choose your favourite pen and a beautiful fresh page and write out your answers intuitively.

Now let's get stuck into those prompts. 


10 thoughtful prompts to visualise 2024

  • What kind of person do you want to be in 2024?

  • A healthy one? A generous one? A slower paced one? An ambitious one? A consistent person?

  • How do you dream of kindly honouring your body?

  • In which ways do you feel the most benefits of caring for your mind?

  • How do you feel spiritually satiated?

  • What experiences do you want to work towards actualising next year?

  • How do you envisage that happening?

  • Which morning / evening habits did you most enjoy trialing in 2023 that you'd like to be consistent with next year?

  • How do you like your home to feel when you retire at night?

  • When your head hits the pillow at night, what makes you feel like you've had a good day?

  • If there was no judgement, fear or financial insecurity - what is the dream that sounds like a whisper but is getting louder for you everyday?

Now here is the biggest hack…

Swap resolutions for affirmations

INSTEAD of setting new years resolutions, revel in the feeling that you get when you imagine all of your answers to those ten questions and remember that vision. Hold this front and centre. The answers combined create a life. A life that is totally within reach. A life that you are entirely worthy of living.

Resolutions sound like “I will exercise 5 times a week.” “I will meditate daily.” “I will live in a perfect, clean, Pinterest house.”

Affirmations sound like “I am a healthy and active person.” “I live a mindful life.” “I am consistent.”

Then… when we hit the third week of January and motivation is waning, instead of feeling like a big, fat FAILURE… ask yourself this:

What would a [insert trait] person do in this instance?


For example…

What would an active person do? They would get off the tube one stop earlier and walk the extra ten minutes to the office. They would take the stairs not the lift. They would show up to the class they booked. 

What would a mindful person do? They would slow down, stop scrolling and sit in quiet for a moment.

What would a consistent person do? They would tidy up after they've made dinner and go to bed knowing they have a lovely clean kitchen waiting for them in the morning. Not a “perfect” kitchen. But a clean one.

I will be spending time answering these questions between now and the 1st January. Although it is worth adding, this date is just an arbitrary marker in time. You can do this exercise at any point in the year, but there is something juicy and fresh about a clean page in the diary to start actualising the life you've always dreamt of. 

If you struggle with procrastination and consistency, then you are in the right place. I am a reformed AVOIDER who was too scared to try in case she failed. And I am a recovering PERFECTIONIST, who tries to control the uncontrollable. I believe in The Power of Consistency so deeply that it underpins literally everything I do from my relationship to my business and everything in between. 


As a reminder:

The SOAR doors are now open again. SOAR is a 6 month programme made up of 10 modules, with masterclasses, actionable workbooks and additional resources. All of the content is sourced from my lived experiences over the past 7 years and a plethora of experts. I truly believe you are worthy of everything. Fly baby, and SOAR! 

Get clarity along with the tools to take action. Eliminate procrastination and make 2024 your best year yet!

Here's what former participants had to say about SOAR:

"It has been life changing for me, and such a good way to practically implement ways of personal development. If people are generally looking to up level their lives in a very deep but practical step-by-step way, this is how.” 

“I feel way more resourced in order to do the work of creating my dream life

“My expectation was to further my self-development journey, and this was exceeded as the space for learning was really a great practical as well as spiritual growth experience.”

“I am OBSESSED with the content in this programme. I cannot stress enough how much I have learnt. It has been so practical- which is exactly what I was looking for. As someone who likes to really dig in, I loved the resources to back up the work, and feel like I had so much to use to support my growth. The bi-weekly coaching calls were uplifting, thoughtful and often vulnerable. Sharing about my journey and hearing others experiences was another wealth of knowledge, and great advice. They helped me feel supported, heard and understood in my growth.”

Google reviews: 5 stars


How I went from chronic illness to a romanticised life


Relaxed woman