She moves quietly. There is a lot swirling in her heart and mind. Ambition. Aspiration. Desire. To-do lists permeate and threaten to takeover the romanticism that she'd prefer to focus on. And so, she rises - it is time to get on with the day. But, she moves quietly.

 The pressures and demands of day-to-day life don't stop requiring energy from the relaxed woman. But throughout life she has learned not to sweat the small stuff. The relaxed woman knows that life happens on life's terms. Tragedy strikes spontaneously. Heartbreak is inflicted with no forewarning. Those are the hard parts of life that we have no control over.

The relaxed woman therefore doesn't get riled up over the small, inevitable annoyances and chooses to take action in the few areas we do have control. Her style is consistently showing up, but not with fever or anxiety, she shows up with grace and in a state of calm - with purpose.

The relaxed woman is not slow or indulgent because she is ‘letting herself off the hook’. That is not her idea of self-care. She is gentle because she knows her worth and doesn't seek validation in trivial results. She moves quietly because she trusts herself deeply and knows she'll get it done. 

And she does. 

Get it done. 

Let's give ourselves permission to relax this holiday season, and move quietly.

I will if you will.


Merry Christmas, from my family to yours. 


Do THIS instead of setting New Year Resolutions!


Sliding doors