In the Pursuit of Wellness

Find your flow

Flow is when you have that magical experience of becoming so immersed in your focus on a task, be that for pleasure or work, that you forget about all other distractions, including the time! I know I am in flow when I am not conscious of where my phone is - tragic, I know.

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If you're feeling wobbly, read this.

Statistically speaking, most of you will have dropped off with something by now. But we are here for effective change. We want actualisation. So let’s recalibrate.

Here is a quick strategy to support you in your journey. Ask yourself the following questions:

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Context matters

Research has proven time and time again that motivation cannot be relied on when creating new habits. That is why I am so obsessed with consistency. Once you have confirmed an aspiration or goal is genuinely aligned and something you want on a soul level, then consistency is the only way to arrive there.

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Be of service, Self Development, Life Experience, Goals Hannah Mijovski Be of service, Self Development, Life Experience, Goals Hannah Mijovski

Sliding doors

I pushed my son up the hill and saw this patch of grass near a couple having a picnic. I sat there when I was newly sober and shook with grief and pain that I had numbed for so long. I starred at the pub in eyesight and tears ran down my cheeks. I didn’t know how to exist without escapism. I imagined walking into the pub and beginning the descent into freedom from my thoughts. However I now knew that it would ultimately only exacerbate my pain. And so I was stuck in between a rock and a hard place.

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Self-care during silly season

Ooft. December is a challenging month when it comes to wellness and self-care.Yet arguably it is a month when we need it most.

Our calendar is suddenly full to bursting. We're exhausted from all the socialising (as nice as it sounds in theory). It is darker and colder for those in the northern hemisphere. We are uninspired to honour our fitness routine. Work deadlines are mounting. People are drinking more, which might make you feel pressured to as well. And we're supposed to be having the most fun we've had all year.

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The mindset shift that will change your life

If you are reading this, then you are about to be challenged. Stick with me.

I want to prompt a mindset shift within you that is going to make things more pleasurable and generate greater results.

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You will fail if you don’t do this.

Vision boards are about two things. Clarity and intention. You don’t have to make a pretty looking board but I would implore you to take some time to get clear on what it is you want from the next 12 months. You can literally do this at anytime; in fact life often throws such unexpected curve balls that it is beneficial to update one’s vision to accommodate. And your intention is a commitment. It is the investment that you are ready to make in yourself, your life…. your happiness.

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Why your self worth affects your goals

Your relationship with yourself affects your ability to see goals through to completion. If your self worth is low, how will you truly believe you are deserving of that success you long for? Here is how you can improve your self worth and your chances of achieving your dreams.

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