Forming new habits

Habit formation is something we are all intrigued by. How do we make a new one stick? What happens when motivation wanes? Do I really trust myself? 

It can get quite deep as to why we self-sabotage. Lack of self-worth or not truly aligning with a goal we think we want are just two of the common blocks. 

Research has proven time and time again that motivation cannot be relied on when creating new habits. That is why I am so obsessed with consistency. Once you have confirmed an aspiration or goal is genuinely aligned and something you want on a soul level, then consistency is the only way to arrive there.  

But how can we make showing up for ourselves, creating new habits, a bit easier?

Contextual association. 


Context matters

Research* suggests that pairing a specific action with a consistent context will imbed a habit. 

Here are some examples:

I go for a walk (specific action) when I make my morning coffee (consistent context).

I eat an apple (specific action) after I eat my lunch (consistent context).

I apply a serum (specific action) after I get out of the shower (consistent context).

I read my book (specific action) when I get into bed (consistent context).

Smaller is better (for once)

There is also SO much evidence that suggests starting small is the way to go. Imbed a habit; make it automatic, before starting on the next one. 

The SOAR cohort began their work this week and something that came up in our first coaching call is introducing a non-negotiable habit around working on the course and , but only 2 at a time. Keep it small. Keep it consistent. 

It is also suggested that variation puts truly forming a new habit at risk. Making it simple and, again, consistent, is what make it sticks. I am experiencing that right now as I continue to negotiate my old feel-good habits into my new mum life, keeping it simple helps a lot. I have 3 forms of exercise that I enjoy most; running, HIIT and pilates. But rather than having to choose and scroll and find a work out when I don't have much time to squeeze it in in the first place, I am loving that my favourite instructors have all these 1 week or 12 week challenges for the new year. I now don't have to think, I just put my gear on, flop onto the mat and do day 4. No decision fatigue can stop me now and it doesn't require motivation. Just consistency.

So! Here is your invitation to choose something SMALL and integrate it into a consistent context that already happens daily for you.

Is it eating a piece of fruit? Reading 10 pages? Sending a loving voice note to a friend on your commute? 

I'd love to hear what habit you are going to implement. Please reach out and let me know so I can support you or DM me @hanjanran on insta. 

This is a really hard week in the calendar year for motivation. So don't let it derail you and focus on consistency instead. 


If you're feeling wobbly, read this.


How gratitude can change your physiology