In the Pursuit of Wellness

What hormones and sleep deprivation has reminded me

This life skill is actually one I've been taught before, but as I get older I realise it is the ultimate lesson and one that life will keep bashing me over the head with. That is: acceptance.

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Why good enough is good enough

For a long time in our hustle culture we have had perfectionism on a proverbial pedestal. We have believed that to be perfectionist is to be excellent.

Times are a changin', my friend. Perfectionism is no longer the aspiration.

Read on to find out why and what the alternative is.

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Find your flow

Flow is when you have that magical experience of becoming so immersed in your focus on a task, be that for pleasure or work, that you forget about all other distractions, including the time! I know I am in flow when I am not conscious of where my phone is - tragic, I know.

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